Yesterday in Chennai, Tamilnadu, there was a news about a student. The student was travelling in a bus and he took another person's suitcase instead of his one. The suitcase he took had 10.53 lakhs and anyways he had returned it to the owner after taking the money to the police. This has been published in all news papers and in Radio Mirchi, Suchi tells this as one of the main news in the "Top 3 at 8 AM".
Basically, the living culture or the life style of the persons in a society can be understood by the miracles happening. So, this act of the student has been considered as a big thing and he has been made popular. But, is this really a big thing? this is what he should have done and it is his duty too. But now a days doing the duty has become a very big achievement.
In ages of Mahabharatha, before the war of Kurukshetra, Duriyodhana comes to Sahadeva (one of the pancha pandavas) and asks for an auspicious day for giving sacrifice on account of war. The concept is the person who gives the sacrifice on the correct day will win the war. Though sahadeva knows Duriyodhana is his enemy and whom they are going to fight against, he gave them an auspicious day. That was because, he wanted to do his duty without fail. And hence, this was not appreciated or told as a very big thing in those times.
But now a days, people of India never do their duty completely and hence if it is done, that is a miracle and it becomes a very big news. In coming days, we can expect many more miracles like this.....
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